电影 霍金传2013



  • 片名:霍金传2013
  • 状态:HD中字
  • 主演:史蒂芬·霍金/巴兹·奥德林/理查德·布兰森/金·凯瑞/本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇/简·霍金/罗杰·彭罗斯/基普·索恩/
  • 导演:斯蒂芬·芬尼根/
  • 年份:2013
  • 地区:英国
  • 类型:剧情片/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2024-06-13 11:00
  • 简介:  This new feature-length biographical film tells the extraordinary and dramatic story of the planet's most famous living scientist, told for the first time in his own words and by those closest to him. Made with unique access to his private life, this is an intimate and moving journey into Stephen Hawking's past and present. Interviewees include Stephen Hawking's sister Mary, his ex-wife Jane, carers and students, as well as colleagues such as Roger Penrose, plus Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin, actors Benedict Cumberbatch and Jim Carrey, and Sir Richard Branson This inspirational portrait of an iconic figure relates Hawking's incredible personal journey from boyhood underachiever to scientific genius and multi-million-selling author. And it charts how he overcame being diagnosed with motor neurone disease - and being given just two years to live - to make amazing scientific discoveries and become a symbol of triumph over adversity. Born exactly 300 years after the death of Galileo, Hawking grew up in a family some regarded as eccentric. Always asking questions, he was nicknamed 'Einstein' at school. Hawking blossomed at Oxford, although he only spent an hour a day studying. He noticed that he was becoming clumsy and fell over for no apparent reason. He was diagnosed with motor neurone disease, but nevertheless started a family and embarked on his academic career, finding himself at the heart of a searing scientific debate about the origins of the universe. And as he lost the use of his body, Hawking had to find new ways to think. He went on to write the huge bestseller A Brief History of Time, and the film reveals the high and lows of his resulting fame and fortuneddd
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  This new feature-length biographical film tells the extraordinary and dramatic story of the planet's most famous living scientist, told for the first time in his own words and by those closest to him. Made with unique access to his private life, this is an intimate and moving journey into Stephen Hawking's past and present. Interviewees include Stephen Hawking's sister Mary, his ex-wife Jane, carers and students, as well as colleagues such as Roger Penrose, plus Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin, actors Benedict Cumberbatch and Jim Carrey, and Sir Richard Branson This inspirational portrait of an iconic figure relates Hawking's incredible personal journey from boyhood underachiever to scientific genius and multi-million-selling author. And it charts how he overcame being diagnosed with motor neurone disease - and being given just two years to live - to make amazing scientific discoveries and become a symbol of triumph over adversity. Born exactly 300 years after the death of Galileo, Hawking grew up in a family some regarded as eccentric. Always asking questions, he was nicknamed 'Einstein' at school. Hawking blossomed at Oxford, although he only spent an hour a day studying. He noticed that he was becoming clumsy and fell over for no apparent reason. He was diagnosed with motor neurone disease, but nevertheless started a family and embarked on his academic career, finding himself at the heart of a searing scientific debate about the origins of the universe. And as he lost the use of his body, Hawking had to find new ways to think. He went on to write the huge bestseller A Brief History of Time, and the film reveals the high and lows of his resulting fame and fortuneddd


  • HD
  • HD
  • 正片
    7.5 吉姆·布劳德本特/佩内洛普·威尔顿/厄尔·凯夫/琳达·巴塞特/丹尼尔·弗格森/纳奥米·维尔特纳/保罗·索恩利/乔伊·理查德森/克莱尔·拉什布鲁克/伊恩·波特/安德鲁·梁/Tigger Blaize/杜吉·布朗/Marvin Brown/Bethan Cullinane/特雷弗·福克斯/David Gennard/莫妮卡·戈斯曼/Howard Grace/Adam Jackson-Smith/Jessica Kaur/Braxton Kolodny/Sam Lee/Brian Male/Alyson Mar/
  • 全1集
    乔什·卢卡斯/费兰达·乌雷霍拉/赫克特·吉门雷兹/胡里奥·凯撒·赛迪罗/Venus Ariel/劳尔·门德兹/豪尔赫·A·希门尼斯/Edgar Flores/Omar Patin/Arturo Duvergé/Luis del Valle/Carlos Solórzano/
  • 全1集
  • 正片
    3.0 陈金奎/吴培蓉/
  • 全1集
    7.0 提莫西·查拉梅/赞达亚/丽贝卡·弗格森/哈维尔·巴登/乔什·布洛林/奥斯汀·巴特勒/弗洛伦丝·皮尤/戴夫·巴蒂斯塔/克里斯托弗·沃肯/蕾雅·赛杜/斯特兰·斯卡斯加德/夏洛特·兰普林/安雅·泰勒-乔伊/索海拉·雅各布/袁之正/巴布斯·奥卢桑莫昆/艾莉森·霍尔斯特德/朱西·梅里/凯特·泰森/塔拉·布雷思纳克/Akiko Hitomi/
  • 全1集
  • 全1集
  • 全1集
    马修·古迪/安东尼·霍普金斯/欧拉·布莱蒂/乔迪·巴尔弗/丽芙·丽莎·弗赖斯/斯蒂芬·坎贝尔·莫尔/帕德莱克·德兰尼/里斯·曼尼恩/索姆·毕绍普斯/Gary Buckley/George Andrew-Clarke/Anna Amalie Blomeyer/Cara Christie/
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    9.0 内详/
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    5.0 曾志伟/李丽珍/李殿朗/徐克/司马燕/
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    8.0 曾志伟/李丽珍/李殿朗/徐克/司马燕/
  • 全1集
    1.0 洪金宝/林敏骢/张继聪/王菀之/林盛斌/恬妞/梁小龙/林雪/泰迪·罗宾/吴耀汉/黄尧/邹文正/杜宇航/邵音音/吴嘉龙/沈震轩/李静仪/庄锶敏/庄韵澄/劳浩羽/顾定轩/卢慧敏/刘芷希/张启乐/
  • 全1集
  • 全1集
    伊丽莎白·莫斯/罗根·勒曼/迈克尔·斯图巴/奥黛莎·杨/史蒂夫·维诺维奇/瑞恩·史帕恩/阿德莱林德·霍伦/Molly Fahey/Thomas Racek/Emily Decker/Ava Langford/Edward O'Blenis/Allen McCullough/Lexa Hayes/Tony Manna/罗丝玛丽·霍华德/
  • 全1集
    7.0 小向美奈子/本宫泰风/小松崎真理/
  • 正片
    7.3 花开之月的杀手/
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  • 全1集
    10.0 汤姆·布莱斯/瑞秋·齐格勒/彼特·丁拉基/乔什·安德烈斯·里维拉/亨特·莎弗/维奥拉·戴维斯/詹森·舒瓦兹曼/伯恩·戈曼/菲奥纽拉·弗拉纳根/达科·夏皮罗/伊索贝尔·杰斯珀·琼斯/麦肯齐·兰辛/艾琳·伯姆/阿什利·廖/艾米丽·霍菲尔/谢尔·布鲁沙伊特/弗洛拉·蒂曼/乔治·索纳/阿约梅德·阿德根/佐伊·蕾妮/迈克尔·格雷科/莉莉·玛丽亚·库珀/卡尔·斯宾塞/德克斯特·索尔·安塞尔/罗莎·戈茨勒/雅典娜·史催特/迪米特里·阿博尔德/凯特琳·阿金佩鲁米/
  • 正片
    2.0 Close Your Eyes/
  • 全1集
  • 全1集
    6.0 车太贤/柳演锡/郑仁仙/金裕贞/朴真珠/太元硕/姜信一/
  • 全1集
    5.0 科林·福特/丹尼斯·奎德/乔丽·卡特/斯科特·格伦/锡耶纳·比约内鲁德/瑞恩·丹宁/卡莉娜·沃姆/邦妮·比蒂丽娅/兰迪·豪泽/杰西·贝瑞/梅森·吉勒特/米拉·哈里斯/海莉·比塞尔/派雷特·邦奇/泰里克·约翰逊/阿德里安·艾普莉/泰勒·约翰逊/维布尔·弗利茨杰拉德/吉姆·戴佛提/莫妮卡·劳威伦斯//贾斯汀·迈尔斯/泰勒·圣克莱尔/马克·罗韦/埃里克·罗温/詹娜·格罗夫/
  • 全1集
    1.0 One and Four/
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    7.0 李修贤/艾迪/金兴贤/太保/黄柏文/左颂升/
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    3.0 李修贤/艾迪/金兴贤/太保/黄柏文/左颂升/
  • 全1集
    史蒂文·西格尔/DMX/艾赛亚·华盛顿/安东尼·安德森/迈克尔·加·怀特/比尔·杜克/吉尔·亨内斯/汤姆·阿诺德/布鲁斯·麦克吉尔/大卫·瓦迪姆/伊娃·门德斯/Paolo Mastropietro/肖恩·达利/Drag-On/珍妮弗·厄文/丹尼尔·卡什/克里斯多福·劳福德/诺亚·丹比/罗斯福德·格雷/阿诺德·平诺克/肖恩·劳伦斯/约翰·拉尔斯顿/菲利普·贾勒特/迈克·布瓦韦尔/John McConnach/Gary Johnston/马特伯尔曼/迈克尔·塞尔切基/
  • 全1集

